Policy & FAQS


First & foremost and we mean this!

We want reciprocal communication. We like to be transparent and ask the same of you. If you are part of our community - we want to know if you have any issues or concerns before they may become a problem. And of course we welcome the positive too!

Rates: Will my membership rate ever increase? Yes it may.  It is not often that we raise rates, in fact as of 9/2016, the last time rates were increased was 2012/2013. T2BB formerly locked in your rate forever, however, we can no longer sustain this as a benefit.

Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT): How are payments made?
All payments are conducted using an EFT automatically withdrawing a monthly payment from a credit or debit card. Payment withdrawal occurs at the beginning of each month.

Membership Suspensions: Can I suspend my membership and if so, when? Yes. All members can suspend their 12-month membership up to three (3) months (consecutive or random) for $25/month.  Members instated before 9/1/2014, have up to (4) months available to them.  

Note: You must notify the General Manager (via email) a minimum of five (5) days in advance of month you wish to suspend. If an auto-payment has occurred, a $30 charge applies to enable suspension after 1st of month.  This is in addition to the monthly Suspension charge of $25.  Note: All suspensions extend the life of your agreement by the same number of months suspended after 1st of month.

Medical Suspensions: What if I have an injury outside of T2BB? 
Medical suspensions are also granted, up to four months with a medical note and do not count as a typical suspension. You may medically suspend for $20/month (a discounted rate for your medical issue).

Training While Injured: Can I continue training WITHOUT affecting my injury?  We DO NOT offer physical therapy (PT) services, but with doctor or PT permission, we will train everything except the injured area and are happy to work with whom-ever is treating you.  With our combined years of experience, we are very adept at working with injury. We also offer a medical amendment to your membership - so we can keep you working!


Training with Coaches:  Can I request to work with certain Coaches Unfortunately no.  Staff scheduling may for one not allow it, but we as a Team see benefit in you being trained by ALL of our Coaches, as every Coach has their own set of individual strengths that are a benefit to you.  The more sets of ‘eyes’ on you – the more efficient and quality training you will receive.

Consultation: Is there a “first date” period I may see what T2BB is all about?
Yes. A one-month Trial Membership is a great way to see if T2BB is a good fit for you. Included in a Trial Membership is a complementary (1 hour) one-on-one consultation that includes: Functional Movement Screen; Body Composition Scan; Basic concepts to T2BB movement and Body Weight Equipment Exercises. 

Family or Couples: My husband and I want to join, are there family options? Yes, however not all membership types are eligible for a discounted rate. The Results, Gold-Performance and Ultimate are eligible for a 5% discount and both individuals may enroll in differing (eligible) membership types. For example, one member can enroll in the Results and the other in the Ultimate, (both individuals will receive 5% off of the monthly rate). The two (2) individuals must either be a "romantic couple", married, siblings, or parent and child. Funds must be drawn from single bank account.  Note: In addition, if both Family/Couple individuals join together – they are subject to only one – one time Enrollment fee.

Family or Couples: I am already a member, can my spouse/family member join me in a Family/Couples membership?  Yes. You may continue your current membership while the newly joined member begins a new agreement period.  The new member will be subject to the one time enrollment fee $99 and the 5% discounted rate will be adjusted to accommodate both Family/Couple members, provided each are in an eligible membership type. 

Cancellations: How long do I have to cancel a Team and/or Semi Private Training? Failure to cancel (via online, text, or email) will result in an applicable charge. Failure to cancel a Blitz within (15) minutes prior - $10 charge; Failure to cancel a Team training within (2) hours prior - $20 charge; Failure to cancel a Semi-Private appointment (24) HOURS prior - $40 charge and lost session. Note: Platinum and Platinum Plus are exempt from late charges, however, not exempt from 24 hour notification and loss of session.

Cancellations: What about getting enrolled from the Wait List in the midnight or early morning hours? You are still responsible for your class status.  We encourage you check online the night before (going to bed) and cancel if unable ‘to plan to attend.’ More often than not, you will get into that A.M. class and ultimately it is your responsibility.


Cancellations: What if I am unable to get online to cancel my Team Training? Contact information for each Fitness Coach and all staff is listed on both the website and on the online scheduler, Mindbody.  We encourage you to save this information. If not online, you may contact the Fitness Coach or General Manager via text, phone or email and inform him/her two (2) hours prior to class. 

Body Composition Analysis: Is there a way I can track my percent body fat and muscle gained during my training? 
Most definitely. By regularly monitoring your body fat, muscle mass or muscular development with the InBody230 Machine you can understand how your nutrition, lifestyle and exercise regime are influencing your body composition.