Open Gym

Open Gym allows for our members the opportunity to follow a T2BB guided program when the gym is closed. If you can not fit in a class, semi-private or just likes working out solo, open gym might be up your alley!

T2BB provides a program that parallels a theme on classes offered for that month. Designed for approximately 45 minutes, many T2BB members take advantage of Open Gym to double down on their training in a day or when life does not allow to make the gym times allotted.

Open Gym Rules

The open gym rules will evolve over time and change as we find better ways to accommodate open gym use.

  • ONLY Open to 12-month membership members OR those associated with T2BB beyond a year.

  • Hours: 6:30 am to 6:30 pm every day including when the gym is closed & holidays.

  • A variety of monthly workouts are available to follow hanging on the whiteboards.


    • Mondays between 10-11am

    • Thursdays between 9am-11am.

    • During ANY class.

  • Once a waiver is signed you will receive a code to get into the gym.

  • Timer & Music is up to you. 

    • "SIT" timer is a simple app you can download.

  • Lock yourself into the gym & upon leaving.

    • You will need to re-enter the code in order to return the key pad back to its slot.

  • You will be recorded on camera when no fitness coach is present.